Olivier Bazin DO, BI-D, MRO(F)

About Me

Olivier Bazin D.O. graduated in 1994 as a D.O. at the Still Academy in Lyon, France. Since then he is practicing in France in private practice and teaching visceral manipulation.

He is leading the visceral department at the Still Academy in Lyon. His affiliation with the work of Jean Pierre Barral and Alain Croibier lead him to explore the relation of visceral organs and their relationship to the nervous system.

Aside from his teaching in the osteopathic school in France, he has been teaching postgraduate in Germany and elsewhere in the world. He developed and teaches an upper-level course for the Barral Institute, Neuro-Visceral Manipulation of the Thorax and Abdomen. His clear didactics and his practical skills make him an excellent teacher.