Jean Anne Zollars PT, DPT, MA, BI-D

About Me

I have been working as a physical therapist since 1982, and specializing in manual therapy since 1990. My training is in various forms of manual therapy and my orientation is the visceral osteopathic techniques as taught by Jean Pierre Barral, DO.

In addition to my practice as a physical therapist, I consult to other therapists in regards to difficult clients. I currently work in private practice treating children and adults with neurological, orthopedic and visceral problems.

I started as a Teaching Assistant with the Visceral Manipulation (VM) seminars in 1997. I progressed to a Study Group Leader for VM in 2000 where I assisted other body workers in enhancing their VM skills and knowledge. I became an Instructor for the Barral Institute for:
VM1 - 2004
VM2 - 2006
VM3 - 2010
VM4 - 2011
VM5 - 2016
VM6 - 2019
VAP - 2009
NM1 - 2009
NM2 - 2012
NM3 - 2013
NM4 - 2014

I act as a Mentor for Teacher Apprentices for the Barral Institute.

I have continued my education through the years by attending many continuing education classes in CranioSacral Therapy, SomatoEmotional Release, Neural Manipulation, Lymph Drainage Therapy, Mechanical Link, Somatic Experiencing, Hakomi Body-Centered Psychotherapy, Zapchen Somatics, Biologic Analogs in Neural Mobility, Muscle Energy and Strain/Counterstrain.

Articles & Books Written

I am an author of the following publications - Special Seating: An Illustrated Guide, Published by Prickly Pear Publications: 2010; Special Seating - A Manual for Health Workers, Sillas Especiales, (Spanish version), Published by PAX Press, March 1993; Seating and Moving through the Decades - A literature Review on Seating and Mobility through 1992, Published by PAX Press, March 1993.

I published:
Neural and visceral manipulation in infants with congenital muscular torticollis: a feasibility study
by: Jean Anne Zollars, Patricia A. Burtner, Gail Stockman, Prisca Werbelow, Jessie Swartzentruber, Jean R. Lowe
Journal of Physical Therapy Science (Vol. 32 No. 1, 2020)

Visceral and Neural Manipulation in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Chronic Constipation: Five Case Reports
by: Jean Anne Zollars PT, DPT, MA, BI-D; Margaret Armstrong MD; Sandra Whisler MD, MS; Susan Williamson MD
in Elsevier: EXPLORE
Volume 15, Issue 1, January–February 2019, Pages 47-54

I have presented internationally at conferences on seating/mobility and visceral and neural manipulation.

Professional Associations / Memberships

International Association of Healthcare Practitioners (IAHP) American Physical Therapy Association(APTA)