Brigitte Martino


Brigitte Martino is CranioSacral Therapy certified with the Upledger Institute.  IASTM certified with Graston. And working on her V2Fit certification for visual and vestibular rehabilitation. She is currently working in the private practice setting. 

After receiving her Bachelor of Science degree in physical therapy from Florida International University, she pursued her first experience in acute care and in-patient rehabilitation at the University of Miami / Jackson Memorial Hospital.  Working at a teaching hospital created a love for learning which began with Bobath and PNF.  However, her real passion began after completing course work with the Institute of Physical Art (IPA) developed by Gregg Johnson and Vicky Saliba in the early 80’s, which inspired further studies with Paris, Mennell, Cyriax, Kaltenborn, Maitland, McKenzie, Grimsby and Feldenkrais. She left the hospital setting to collaborate with two start-up companies, first in the sports medicine field, specializing in spinal dysfunction enjoying her manual skills.  Then joined a team at a spine center and developed a Back School as well as Functional Capacity Evaluation and Work Hardening Program.

Brigitte began her osteopathic coursework in 1993, specializing in CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Manual Articular Approach and Zero Balancing.  Dr. John Upledger’s philosophy to learn more about the different systems in the body (including the emotional system) and how they all integrated for function, inspired her to dive deeper. Also, Jean Pierre Barral DO, PT who inspires the importance of anatomy, the ability to listen to the body and the specificity of tissue dialogue in manual therapy techniques; helping to understand the body's deeper fascial relationship of the viscera, vascular, neurological and manual articular systems gave her unlimited possibilities with her manual skills.

My Skills

Brigitte Martino works with clients on a one to one basis, focusing on her osteopathic skills.  She has worked in various private practice settings around the world, most recently in Dallas at Integrative Pediatric Therapy (children with learning differences, infants with feeding and developmental delays), Concussion Therapy and Integrated Physical Therapy (women’s health). 

Brigitte's extensive course work and life experiences have allowed her to work with clients of all ages, from a newborn to the elderly; from an athlete to someone suffering with ill health; from various dysfunctions and disabilities.  Having lived and worked abroad in Germany and Australia, Brigitte has a unique perspective and passion to help each individual achieve their goal and live a healthier life.

Brigitte enjoys Qigong, yoga, dancing, hiking in nature and loves to create delicious nutritional and healing dishes with her son.

License Number

Texas PT license 1178730. Florida PT license 3059. German Krankengymnastin

Professional Associations / Memberships



Available for patients

Case studies, easy to understand explanations about the CranioSacral System, Visceral Manipulation, products to use between sessions, and much more.

More Information

Upledger's International Association of Healthcare Practitioners

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